Sunday, October 15, 2006


Some people think it is difficult to figure out all the different types of clothing sizes in the US. Whatever. We've got nothing on England.

I embarked on a little "research" at H&M. At this particular store, the tags inside the clothes conveniently list the 'US' size and the 'Europe' size, while the sales tag lists the Europe size and the 'UK' size, as well as the UK price and the Ireland price (which is in Euros). I have no idea what the conversion for European sizes is, but theoretically UK sizes are two sizes off from the US, so a 2 becomes a 6, etc, so one must be good and sure if they are looking at the US size or the UK size (that one letter makes all the difference). H&M also has quite a few hangers that theoretically list what size the attached article of clothing is, but I quickly realized it's best to ignore the hanger. And then there are shoes, which are also listed in your Europe and UK sizes, but nowhere lists the US sizes, so this you actually have to remember.

Please enjoy my above picture of a discarded cigarette box. They cut right to the chase with the warning labels here. And because I realize it's funny looking, the box is floating in a little pond with nature around it.

The biggest news of the day is something that truly excited me. Today at a more-fully-stocked Waitrose, they had Crunchy Nut bars. They are the regular flavor and not the chocolate, but I am still eagerly awaiting having one. It is indeed a big day.


Anonymous said...

How much do you want for a box of Crunchy Nut bars?

Anglo Mango said...

Oh, I got you a box. Have no fears. Although I tried one and I must admit they are not as good as they should be.

Anonymous said...

I actually know a grandma type person who lives on the Isle - by her definition 'the side away from the richies' (ie wealthy people with yachts and trophy wives). I can hook you up with her if you like. She's definately NOT slow, I've slid down one of those inflatable water slides with her, several times, into the mud. I won't humiliate you by posting the pics on the internet.

Anglo Mango said...

She sounds much fiestier than I am. I probably couldn't keep up with her.