Saturday, October 07, 2006

French man sevens

I returned to London today, expecting it to be horrid and rainy and I could just chill in museums all day. Well, it turned out to be the nicest day since my arrival, so I only chilled in museums for part of the day.

For today's journey I went straight from Waterloo to Tate Britain, at which point I looked at some art, then I went up to Green Park and then walked along said park to Knightsbridge, then down Brompton Road to Kensington. After a brief stop-in at Top Shop, I walked around Kensington Gardens to enjoy the niceness of the bad until the wind convinced me maybe it wouldn't be too lame if I went back inside, so I went to the V&A, primarily to see the costume exhibit that was closed when I was there a couple years ago. So that was nice.

Oh, and when I was walking by the V&A the first time (before Kensington Gardens), I saw this guy walking with his small child and he was wearing sevens, and then he started speaking to said small child and he revealed himself to be French. So apparently they sell/wear man sevens in France. But that's not the weirdest thing I saw today. On my way back the train station there were signs in the tube station revealing that Ashlee Simpson (Jessica's little sis, you know the one) is currently starring in Chicago as Roxie Hart in the West End. How did that happen?

To see more things that Queen Victoria built to remember Prince Albert and a couple of other places along the way, I should have some new photos up on picasa any minute now.

My apologies that this entry wasn't witty. I've been walking/on trains all day.


Anonymous said...

I think you should go see Asslee. You know you want to. It'd be like watching someone do bad karaoke for the entire show! (assuming she even sings...)

Anonymous said...

one of my favorite museums in london is tate modern. i totally recommend a visit. it is very odd what some people deem art to be.

winston says hi :)

Anglo Mango said...

I think Tate Modern/the East End is going to be my next day trip. According to 'Passport to Europe' there is also a wine museum over there with Vespas. I might have to check that one out as well.

Anonymous said...

That is so weird that Ashlee Simpsons is in a play in London. I think you have to go. Chicago is a little boring though if you ask me.

Anglo Mango said...

But it's not just Chicago, it's Ashlee Simpson in Chicago. I'm debating whether it's enough to make it worthwhile to go to.