Friday, October 06, 2006

General confusion

I'm determined to have a witty entry today despite not having anything in particular to report. My original intention for the day was to go to Salisbury, but the sleeting rain convinced me to put it off until another day.

So, we all know that they drive on the left over here. This still throws me off when it comes to figuring out which bus stop I should be standing at and which way to look when waiting for said bus, but that's another story. In the US, you drive on the right, and you pretty much stay to the right for everything else, including walking and the like. From what I have been able to decipher, here there is no rhyme or reason to the general rules of getting around on foot. In the mall, you keep to the right to get on your escalator, but on the streets it seems to be every person for themself. What's up with this? It's like umbrella dodgeball out there. Nobody knows where anyone else is going to go, you don't know where anyone is going to go, and there are strollers and umbrellas everywhere. Quite frankly I'm surprised there aren't more mid-sidewalk collisions. Then again, I'm surprised there aren't more roadway collisions as well. The one thing that I have not seen since my arrival is an actual stop sign. I'm beginning to think they don't have them. Sometimes there are lines painted on the road at these intersections where I'm assuming the correct person knows to stop, but I'm not sure how exactly they are supposed to know. I sat at the front of the bus one day and have never been more confused. This could get tricky given my area of study.

I am also pleased to report that in my absence today the electrician came and I was able to pop in the little card to get access to hot water and computer/ipod/phone charging electricity again. And the card worked very easily, so I'm pretty sure they actually had to fix something. Either that or I've been going without for two days for nothing, but I like to assume the former.

Off to London again tomorrow! Woo-hoo!


Anonymous said...

So much for all the transportation expertise you built up here in the US ;)

What are you over there for again?

Anonymous said...

Salisbury Cathedral is the best in England. I'm willing to go on the record to say that, too.

Anglo Mango said...

And so you are on said record. Does that include Abbeys? Westminster is an Abbey.

And I'm here for, sadly, transportation.

Anonymous said...

Yes, better than Westminster. Better than Canterbury.

Great stained glass AND an original copy of Magna Carta.

Anonymous said...

Since when does horizontal rain keep anyone from our family from going to Salisbury? Isn't it our tradition?

Anglo Mango said...

Okay. Tomorrow (Monday) I will go to Salisbury to see the Cathedral. I would go today but they are probably having services and that might be weird. But quite frankly, sideways rain is never ideal.