Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The 2-ring binder

Today was my first full day of lectures. Room temperature control aside, it was not that remarkable and somewhat similar to what you would find in the US. The school supplies, on the other hand, are rather odd. When shopping for some school supplies, I couldn't help but notice the binder situation. Now paper sizes are a little different, and I was prepared for that, but I was not prepared for the number of holes that I would find. There are both 4-ring and 2-ring binders, with the 2-ring being more popular and simply fitting the middle 2 of the 4-rings. It seems like things would get sort of floppy. There are no 3-ring binders. And to think I bothered to bring my mini-3-hole punch.

Oh, and for some reason one of the profs today used the world respiratory. If I hadn't seen it written down I wouldn't have known what he was saying. And methane is mee-thane. And one of the other professors expressed some concern that they have raised the price of pudding in the staff restaurant.

I must also mention that I have just sampled a rhubarb flavored yogurt that came in one of my multi-packs and it was not good. Not good at all. Very bad. Yet for some reason, rhubarb comes in all of their multi-packs and the other 3 flavors fluctuate.

The above picture is the engineers of the Titanic memorial down near the city center. I kind of think by engineer, they mean everybody who wasn't part of the wait or steward staff. It's hard to tell.


Anonymous said...

I think we all saw that rhubarb thing coming.

Anonymous said...

was the pronounciation of respiratory something like "res-PIRE-a-torie"?

rhubarb. sick.

Anglo Mango said...

That's what I would expect, but it was more 'res-purr-a-turr-ee'.

There's some sort of pineapple yogurt in one of those packs. I'm weary of delving.

Anonymous said...

I think pineapple would be better.

Anonymous said...

Do the packs have strawberry or blackberry yogurt as well? You could perhaps mix them, as they are both magnificent combinations.

Anglo Mango said...

They do have strawberry, and I may have a blackberry in there as well. There is also peach. Sometimes I'm weary to try the next flavor.