Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Guy Fawkes, the preview

I've just found out that my first purely British holiday is only two weeks away! Guy Fawkes day is November 5 (which is a Sunday). And in celebration, apparently everyone walks around with torches and light things on fire and there are fireworks and apparently soup. Needless to say, I'm very excited. And so I'm sure November 5th I will have a very exciting entry that relates all there is to tell.

Speaking of strange ways of the British. I saw something this evening that threw me off. Upon leaving the student union, which is conveniently right across from the campus bar, I discovered a large crowd of men (about 30) all wearing utterly ridiculous clothes. Most everything was skin tight, and a good portion of it was indeed intended for women, and it was all in bright colors. Apparently it was something called a Rubic's cube night, where everyone wears the colors of the cube and goes out on the town and then by the end of the evening they have to have worn, at some point in time, outfits in each of the 6 colors of the cube. I'm sure chaos ensues throughout. Quite frankly, it looked like it was already ensuing.

Another things I learned that I'm sure you will all find somewhat interesting, is that the English seem to find it strange that Americans claim to be made up of different nationalities instead of just calling themselves American. Apparently if all of your grandparents were born in the US, you shouldn't be claiming to be anything else. I might also add that quite a few of the English are not entirely English themselves. It seems the whole thing is just sort of treated a little differently over here.


Anonymous said...

yeah, guy fawkes! i never really knew what his last name was. the kiwis said it the same way they said "fork," so i always thought it was guy forks. hmmm. i'm looking forward to celebration details! that rubics thing sounds weird. i'm picturing the blue man group, but multi-colored.

Anglo Mango said...

Think men in yellow tank tops with blue short shorts, pink tights, and tennis shoes, running down the street. And the occasional red sequined tube top.