Monday, January 29, 2007


For some reason people seem to actively follow tennis over here. The Australian Open was this last weekend, and people were actively discussing the tournament and I noticed numerous people checking online for updates. For tennis. And there weren't even any Brits in the finals. Why is this of particular interest to them? Do they enjoy watching tennis? I just don't quite understand the whole situation with sports of all kinds, really. There is some sort of giant rugby tournament sort of thing starting this weekend as well. And it is apparently interesting and warrants traveling to pubs to watch games with random strangers. And while all Americans secretly know this despite the protestations of game-time announcers, nobody over here seems to care that the Superbowl is this weekend. Despite having spent several minutes watching rugby, I still don't quite see its appeal. It has nothing on good football.

Speaking of the land down under, last Friday was 'Australia Day'. I don't know what exactly it celebrates, but it is basically the same idea as St Patricks day, only instead of going to Irish bars and drinking Guinness, people go to the token Australian bar, Walkabout, and drink Fosters. Why don't people celebrate Australia day in the US? You'd think Outback would be all over this. Or maybe they are and I'm just completely out of the loop.

Tomorrow is my last exam. And then I get to frantically calculate road noise and write about freight for the next week. Next Wednesday is going to be VERY exciting.


Lisa Katzke said...

The Superbowl is this weekend?

No wonder the junk food aisle was empty at the grocery store. The world makes sense again...

Anglo Mango said...

Mmmm....junk food...although now that exams are over I need to cut back on the Galaxy Caramels. Which are DELICIOUS, by the way.