Saturday, January 13, 2007

More London...

So I was back in London for part of the day yesterday, tending to what is technically business. It was quite interesting, being an American having legitimate, non-tourist reasons to be galivanting about London. I just kept thinking to myself 'I bet everyonne thinks I'm English'. As a part of the quest, I found myself walking around the central business district (aka, 'the square mile' or 'the city'), right at 5 o'clock, when a lot of people were heading home from work for the day. There was quite a hustle and bustle going on in the streets, and despite not knowing exactly where I was going, I opted out pulling out a map and just tried to head in the general direction of Waterloo because I didn't want to blow my facade. But I did blow it a few times to take pictures, but none of them turned out particularly well.
Due to this excursion, I saw quite a few newspapers yesterday. I didn't read any, mind you (I bought Vogue to read on the train ride back instead), I did see quite a few headlines. And Beckham's new deal was indeed a big deal. It was generally mentioned at the top of the front page of every paper, with a number of articles featured inside. In general, most people here don't seem to particularly like David Beckham, so the story of his leaving is one of bizarre curiousity more so than personal loss. What intrigues me is that the money he'll earn from endorsements is included in the overall price tag of the deal, and as this is half his earnings, seems to overly inflate the magnitude of the deal. As the token American, I just volunteered that I didn't think the LA scene would be as welcoming to the pair as they may be expecting.
Of additional interest to all of you may be that I was told the other day that the English tend to find individual Americans 'endearing', in much the same way we find the English countryside cute and quaint. While I suppose this is a good thing, I have no comprehension of what it actually means.

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