Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tower of London

Today is my first weekend as what I would consider something of an actual Londoner (I go to work, therefore I pay taxes!). So what did I do? Some sort of insider activity unknown to the outside world? As if, people! I went to the Tower of London!

A witty Yeoman Warder led the tour. He had good tales and kept us all amused. We learned about historical facts and how everyone died before seeing the crown jewels. After a quick trip to the gift shop we were out of there. Plus it didn't rain! Very nice place to spend the afternoon, and even more exciting to know that it's on my relative doorstep! On the way back, however, we tried getting on a train that was blessedly empty. Upon climbing in and being confronted by an odor similar to rotting meat, we learned why and got off. And then ended up with some sort of BO situation on the train we were on. There's a bit of a ventilation situation when you're in the bellies of the earth!

After the Tower we went over to Kensington High Street and got Mark a new pair of 'trousers' for work. Now he has 'options'. Tomorrow I'm thinking V&A exhibit!

Oh, and the first work of week ended alright. Had a trip to the pub after work on Friday, which was a step in the direction of being social! Although, I was shocked to learn that there was no casual Friday. That's not too cool with me. Not cool at all!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it will be up to you to introduce casual Fridays. Perhaps the concept hasn't crossed the pond?

Buehler Recipes said...

I vote for Aloha Friday. Aloha shirts and muumuu's. You could throw in a few Pu pu's to set the mood.