Monday, September 24, 2007

First day of work

Today was my first day of work! After weeks of relatively mundane weather, I awoke this morning to pouring down rain. And I also awoke before 7 am. This hasn't gone on in quite some time either. While it was rather scary, all fears were somewhat appeased by the fact that Adrian was going in at starting at the same time.

We met up at the Starbucks across the street from the building at 8:45, to pass our last 45 minutes of full-time student-ness. Post-muffin, we headed in and waited for the HR lady to show us around. After the tour we were dropped off individually at our new desks. Adrian didn't have a computer, and mine was in the process of getting set up for my use. About half of my 'group' was out, including my boss, so one of the others showed me around a bit more and got me set up with a mug and a notepad and such. Once my computer was ready, I got to read the employee manual. All in such was a bit dull, although I was intrigued by the maternity leave policy. I think the US one was that you could pop one out but had to be back the next day. Here you were allowed to take an entire year of at somewhere around 90% pay. On the slightly unfair side, men could only take two weeks paternity leave.

I got a sandwich for lunch from the Tesco across the street and consumed it on the 6th floor by Adrian's desk. It seems like an interesting lot down there. Back on the 8th floor, my boss returned and briefed me on some projects I'll be working on. Most were in London, including the main one for which I will seemingly be writing the better part of a transport assessment for in the next two weeks. This made me suddenly realize that I'm going to have to do actual work. Involving thinking. This is worrying!


Anonymous said...

So were you dressed OK? What were the other women wearing? Any other Americans working there? How did the commute go? Did you feel like cattle? How was Mark's first day? Did he know anyone at his workplace? Does he have to wear a suit everyday?

Anglo Mango said...

I was dressed okay - wore a suit and blouse. There weren't enough women around to judge what they were wearing. There are no other Americans. Took the tube in and walked back - took an hour to walk, tube takes about 30 minutes and was very crowded and a bit muggy because of the rain. Mark's first day was alright, he does not know anyone at his workplace quite yet, and he doesn't have to wear a suit every day. I don't have to wear every day either, although 'smart' dress is required.

Lisa Katzke said...

Congratulations on joining the workforce once again!

Buehler Recipes said...

Congratulations on your new job, how very exciting!
Wow, a desk, computer, manual, rules. Did the employee manual have a dress code? You'll have to post pictures of your work attire, I'm a little concerned about our upcoming dress code. I need ideas. Though - dressing like I'm '20 something' could easily backfire.

Anonymous said...

What is 'smart' dress?

Wow, Sara, a dress code at work! I guess we have one here--"clothing should be neat, clean and appropriate to the professional environment." Oh, and B.O. is a no-no.

Anonymous said...

i love that you got a mug. it's the little things that make you feel at home :-) glad things went well!