Friday, September 14, 2007


This time blog abandonment was totally not my fault. I made my final move up to London this past Monday only to discover that the phone line had a fault in it that wasn't fixed until this morning. This meant many long, hard days with no internet. Luckily this is London and there was plenty of other distractions to keep me from working on my dissertation.

On Tuesday, after finishing the unpacking process, I went down to the local park, called Bishop's Park, to take a look around. It's a big park that fronts the Thames, and its name is derived from its centrepiece, Fulham Palace, which for hundreds of years was the home of the Bishops of London. It's not much of a palace, but it is a big house. Sort of something you'd see in a Jane Austen movie to represent one of the slightly simpler homes in rich people terms. The park itself has a very nice path around the perimeter, with trees overhanging. If I ever feel like jogging, it will basically be the place to go. After hitting the park, I walked up an alternative route to Parsons Green, then by some other green on my way to Fulham Broadway. See, I had to stay away from the flat as the landlord was varnishing the floors. I finally returned in the evening to lose thousands of brain cells whilst watching television.

Wednesday was a day about town which saw me get and use an Oyster card. I felt like I belonged. Walked around Mayfair a bit then headed down Brompton Road past Harrods to go to the Victoria and Albert Museum yet again. I feel like I go there often. There and the British Musuem.

Yesterday I attempted to do work, but instead I walked around Bishops Park and did some grocery shopping in preparation for dinner guests. I'm a grown up, its seemingly what we do. And today I'm working again. It's not that great. And I am comteplating having a breakfast burrito for lunch. It would lend the day an exciting twist.

I took some pictures but have not uploaded them yet. Expect some new images soon.

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