Sunday, September 23, 2007

work work work

guest blog entry:

so its gone from education education education to work work work even though (and I think margo is in the same boat) we still have quite a lot (American quite) of work still to do with school.

so we are both starting work tomorrow morning margo at 9.30 and me at 10. so should be an interesting day - will be very strange walking around town in a suit! not really looking forward to my first experience of peak time London public transport if its anything like peak time driving in Southampton should be a nightmare!!!

so we've been living in fulham for 2 weeks now and its definitely a very multicultural city! the first people we heard in sainsburys in Earls Court (which I think Margo found strange because she went there on holiday 2 years ago) were Americans. There are also a lot of French speaking people - I could almost be in the minority! It's a very different deal to Southampton in what I've seen so far - just wish there was more time/money to enjoy all that's on offer. We've been quite adventurous so far though :-)

Margo had some friends over from your side of the pond for the last two nights. I got grilled about the British school system (questions that relate from harry potter i think). I think was like the opposite from when my dad met Margo...lots of questions though i guess its just interesting leaning how different cultures do what is basically the same thing - school! They were cool people one was from Portland and the other Seattle (well living now) - hit a soho bar and they got chatted up by some 40 year old Australian which i thought was funny! Good effort though!!!

Anyways margo's excited because theres a Coldcase on TV that she hasn't seen before!

Have a good week

Mark x

1 comment:

Buehler Recipes said...

Hello Mark - nice to hear from you. I hope your first day of work went well. Sorry it rained, but then on the other hand if it's raining you won't miss all the other things you could be doing.