Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Working, week 2

So I'm in the midst of my second week of anglo work now. Quite frankly it's not as scary as I had thought it would be. The work week is 37.5 hours, so while it's expected that you work a bit extra everyday, it only comes out to about 8 hours a day in the end. And there is lee-way depending on how the trains are behaving in the morning and it's not the end of the world if you show up a bit late. People go to the pub for lunch on the occasional Friday (but drinking beer would be purely optional, of course). Other than that, things also seem sort of laid back in a 'but let's be chargable in an efficient way' sort of thing. I don't know, perhaps it's difficult to describe. Although with the late working/.ong commuting times, working still seems very time consuming! I guess that's true for all, though.

I wasn't sure how I would cope with not having a lunch break until 1, but it's really not that tough. Perhaps this is aided by the fact that I drink a couple mugs of FREE hot chocolate in the morning times when I get cold and/or sleepy and/or sleepy & cold. It's Cadbury. That's how they roll in these parts. And I've already got the Christmas Party date set aside.

I also keep thinking of all these witty things to write about in blog entries but seem to forget about them by the end of the day! Perhaps I shall start writing them down. Like those people who write down their dreams.


Anonymous said...

Your dad and I have gotten into the habit of sending emails to our home email with reminders in the subject line, leaving the message part blank. Better than sticking post-its all over ourselves, I suppose.

And isn't it funny how we get ourselves all worked up into tizzies over some stuff, and it ends up not being so bad, and then getting blindsided by other seemingly benign things?

Buehler Recipes said...

Wew. I'm glad I'm not the only person who sends herself emails. Sometimes when at home I think of a work thing and call my work self and leave a voice mail. But when I listen to the voice mail I think it's Judy and wonder why she's talking to me about sub-queries. I guess our voices are so similar even I can't tell the difference.