Sunday, December 03, 2006


The English like to keep a bit of a distance from mainlane Europe, both geographically and culturally. While to you and I the English tend to be quite European, they seem to still be having regular debates about this issue. In fact, I get the feeling that they sort of see themselves as being the America of Europe; an English speaking nation that doesn't quite go along with what everyone else wants to be doing (e.g., they're not willing to transition to the euro).

There is also the debate on whether they feel like they're European. Apparently there is the general feeling that those on the continent are willing to call themselves first and foremost European, and then their own nation as secondary, while here they are English first, British second, and then European. It's all very odd. Of course there are all those little habits and styles of doing things that I see as being rather European but I don't think they are aware of, but again I suppose these are somewhat watered down when compared to the French or the Italians, etc. I suppose there is clearly no answer about what they really are, and I suppose that is part of their national identity. A country that's just a bit quirky.

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