Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day!

Happy Boxing Day, everyone!

Quite frankly, still no clue what this actually means. I could just go and look on wikipedia, but that would be cheating. I do, however, have some idea of what it actually entails. It seems to be like some sort of combination of American Christmas Eve and the day after Thanksgiving, meaning that while it may be pointless on its own, its sort of an excuse not to go to work and maybe hang out with the people that you didn't see on the actual holiday. While all the big movies come out on Christmas day in the US, here they come out on Boxing Day. Instead of all the sales starting the day after Christmas, they start the day after Boxing Day (and are called the January sales and are an especially big deal in a country where there are rules about what you can put on sale).

Like I'm sure it is for some in the US, the big Christmas meal is our big Thanksgiving meal (aka, turkey and the fixin's). So Boxing Day is also the day for eating leftovers. As is the rest of the week, I'm sure. Although they don't have any college bowl games, so I don't really know what else they do. Someone said something about a silly boat race, but that seems like it would be chilly.

One other thing that I found a bit odd, but maybe it's just because I'm a bit of a nerd, is that people tend to go out for the night on Christmas Eve. Mind you, people seem to go out every evening if given the chance, but this time it seemed like something you plan on doing in advance.

Anyways, I have one more day to kill before the buses start running again. If I'm feeling ambitious I might walk over to the other side of the common and try to find the Shirley High Street, but this would require about two hours of walking so it's entirely possibly I'll chicken out.


Aaron said...

The bakery by my house was closed yesterday for Boxing Day. No clue why.

Anonymous said...

I stayed home from work for Boxing Day. I'm going to put it down as a holiday and see if it flys. OK, maybe not...