Thursday, December 28, 2006

Boxing Day Sales!

Apparently the desire of stores to ditch all existing merchandise as soon as Christmas is over is universal. Only they lounge around for an extra day here. So I went shopping yesterday. It was a long day of shopping and I only bought one thing. But it was half price! Woo-hoo! Plus it is mildly exciting to feel like there is some return to civilization after an eerily quiet weekend with nobody out and about. But on the sad side, the mulled wine/German sausage kiosk in the middle of the street is gone. And I never went. Sad.

In addtional news, Home Alone was on tv last night. If you knew the amount of effort that went into trying to find home alone on dvd in this town, you would know that this was a monumental feat. I don't think any holiday season can truly call itself complete without at least one viewing of home alone.

I'm trying to get myself back into study mode. I made some progress today, but it wasn't particularyl impressive. Maybe tomorrow. But I do need to go on at least one more day trip this break...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

home alone! now there's a movie i have seen way too many times.