Friday, November 24, 2006


And so has passed a major holiday that nobody seemed to notice. Not only did I not have any turkey, but I actually had to learn...both a Thanksgiving first. But on the other hand, you don't really notice that you're missing a holiday when it's just a completely normal day. Every once in a while you just sort of recall that it is a holiday, but with the time difference there's not much of a 'what would I be doing now?' bit, because for most of the day the answer is just 'sleeping'. Mind you, I did make the English go around the table and say what they were thankful for, but I don't know if that's saying much.

Besides learning, yesterday was another pub quiz night. After placing in the top three the last three weeks, we figured we were due for a bad night. The quiz was quite a bit harder this week for some reason, but we did all right, we just didn't know the final answer in the killer round and therefore did not get the high score we needed. Too bad, too, the winners got 77 pounds this week.

If yesterday was just a normal day, then so is today. In lieu of shopping I'm going to go work on some essays in the library. When it comes right down to it, they're pretty much the same, right?


Lisa Katzke said...

You could be like me and have to go to work. Yes, my company is open the day after Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

I remember the 4th of July in England. We went to a very nice home (the owner of the tour company who arranged for the garden tour) for a buffet dinner. Since no 4th of July celebrating was going on, we didn't really miss it. Besides, we partied a few weeks later back in the states.

We had a nice Thanksgiving. The turkey took a couple of hours longer to cook than the recipe said it would, but that was as exciting as it got.