Sunday, November 05, 2006


I'm not sure if they can hear me or not, but sometimes Blogger kind of makes me mad. They have a consider number of breakdowns.

Anyways, I had a bit of a catch-up on errands day yesterday down in the city center. This included a trip to Lush by the Bargate. I can't help but find it odd that one of the very few handful of stores that exists in both Seattle and Southampton is this one, which in my mind is in many ways the anti-chain store, with it's hand-made ways. Keep in mind the only other stores they have here are Starbucks, the Gap, the Body Shop, KFC, McDonalds, and Burger King. And Lush. I don't know, but I got some soap.

Speaking of Starbucks, I was also very pleased that they are now celebrating Christmas and I was able to purchase an eggnog latte. It was the first time I'd actually ordered a drink from Starbucks in England. For some reason they had six people working in the drink making area and as far as I could tell, only one lady was actually making all of the drinks. And Starbucks being Starbucks, their two locations in Southampton of which I am aware are only about 500 feet apart from one another.

I have finally gotten my photo-uploading ways together and put three new albums up on Picasa, covering the Isle of Wight, my last trip to London, and Portsmouth, doing my best to include witty captions along the way. I wish I could take more photos around town here without people looking at me funny.

By the way, it hasn't rained in a while but it's cold as the Dickens. The low for today is -1 C. I still am not good with converting celsius, but even I know that's 30 degrees. Good thing they the one place they overheat is the library, and that's where I'll be spending a good chunk of my day.


Anonymous said...

I've read about the problem you mention with blogger. Apparently, it's because Google hasn't upgraded blogger's infrastructure since they bought it a couple of years ago. There's a new beta version that you can upgrade your blog to that is on their new problem-free servers (supposedly!).

Read more here:

Anonymous said...

Your title for this entry is misleading. I thought we were going to hear about the local drinking scene. ;) The shopping scene is a good alternative though.

Anonymous said...

How cold is the Dickens, really?

Anglo Mango said...

I liken the dickens to any temperature where you are wearing a sweater, winter coat, scarf, and gloves, and are still cold.

Anonymous said...

for once that anonymous wasn't me... who's checking up on you??

shoot, i just blew my cover.

Alex Porter said...

Anonymous was me! I thought I was logged in...oops. I glad it got coco to blow her cover though.