Saturday, November 25, 2006


I went to Leisure World!! No, really, I did. It just so happens that the cheesy restaurantss and nightclubs are face-to-face with a movie theater. Luckily, there was an unnaturally long line for tickets to said theater, which allowed plenty of time to check out the people going to the cheesy restaurants and nightclubs. Leisure World as a whole could be described as 'quite chavy', which means people watching is good fun. My personal favorite was the girl who looked about 18, was about 7 months pregnant, and was standing outside one of the clubs smoking. The other highlight was seeing a middle aged man in line wearing a Columbia Sportswear fleece. Apparently you can get Columbia over here, it's just rather expensive and a little hard to come by, but considering the brand's relative obscurity in Seattle compared to Portland, this is still quite impressive.

Being Saturday, today I'll be making yet again another trek down to the city center. Ever since it's become what they consider Christmas season, it's a very scary place. Like you can't even move it's so crowded. You're somewhat wary of getting trampled. The things I'm willing to put up with to buy a toothbrush...

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