Sunday, November 12, 2006

Just another American...

So, it was bound to happen sooner or later, and it finally has: I've had a conversation with another American. This particular specimen was a PhD student from Boston studying Oceanography. We chatted for a while. Quite frankly, it was a little anticlimactic. Perhaps more intriguing was this other person I met that was complaining that three people that week had mistaken him for American, thinking he had a Boston accent. I, of course, knew he was not American. In lieu of just telling people where this guy is from, I'm going to make you guess the city (not the country). My only hints are that English is his native language, and he is not English or American or Canadian. This does limit the number of countries, which is why I require the city, and when someone names it, I will give his explanation for the common confusion.

I was also down in the city center yesterday, which is never really a good idea on a Saturday because of the pure numbers of people trying to walk around. You're lucky if you can even get into your desired store. One thing I noticed yesterday is that there are Christmas decorations up in the main part of the mall. Nothing too over the top like a tree, but there were large decorative items scattered about. And I luckily have not yet heard a Christmas carol, not that I don't like Christmas carols, but because there are still way too many leaves on trees for that sort of thing.


Buehler Recipes said...

I'm going to say Cape Town. When I was over there the Australians kept asking me if I was from South Africa. I think it's because you should never accuse someone of being American (in case they're Canadian), but since I lacked the 'ay?' they took a stab at the next best English speaking country.

Anglo Mango said...

Tricky, KG, but it's neither Cape Town or Cardiff. I did meet someone from Cardiff the other day, but they were having a rough go so I couldn't accurately judge.

Anonymous said...

if he's hot he's from australia. sydney perhaps. not so hot, maybe from auckland.

Anonymous said...

american samoa.

Anglo Mango said...

Geographically, Kelly was the closest.

Anglo Mango said...

Dammit KG! You got it! It's Dublin! I'll explain the story behind it in my next entry.