Friday, June 22, 2007

Travel Plans

When it came down to the final decision on which flight to take, Northwest Airlines made it very easy. Promptly replying to my email, they informed me that if I missed any part of my journey, the rest of the itinerary would be cancelled. Aka, if I didn't fly with them to Seattle, I couldn't fly with them back. I was not pleased with this development, mainly as this means the BA flight is lost to me. A perfectly good nonstop London-Seattle flight, and I can't use it. Theoretically I could pay $50 and reschedule it sometime before September 23rd, but I don't foresee myself being ablt to make a trip before then, so alas. Lost. All that perfectly good in-flight entertainment and no way to enjoy it.

But anyways, I must admit I am excited to go back to the US. I've been away for 9 months, which is a long time by my standards. And while it seems it's been a while, I envision myself 'reintegrating' within at most 24 hours. This involves a slight change of accent, a noticeable change in vocabulary, and considerable taco bell consumption. Oh, and looking at the money and thinking it's slightly funny looking, and figuring out which coin is which. By hitting the baseball game straight away on Sunday I feel like I will be diving right back into the deep end! Yay for baseball!

So after this, I suppose blog will be a bit odd, as I'll be back in the US. Hmm. We'll see how that goes.

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