Saturday, May 12, 2007

General Election

As I'm sure it was front page news all around the globe, you must all know that Tony Blair is going to be stepping down at the end of next month. And to be frank, the whole electoral procedure over here is a couple realms beyond my understanding. Elections the first Tuesday in November, every November, make sense to me. Voting for Al Gore for president makes sense to me. On second thought, what they do here makes sense as well.

So Tony Blair is the leader of the Labour Party. It was said Party who decided he would be their leader. In an election, the people vote for which party they want, and in the last election Labour got the most votes. As the most popular party, their leader got to be Prime Minister. But ol' TB has been Prime Minister for ages and people are sick of him or something, so he's stepping down. It is expected that Gordon Brown will take over the reigns of the Labour Party. And to be honest, I still don't understand how a general election would fall into this, but at some point the Labour Party will vote for there to be one, and then there will be one. Interesting concept.

The Eurovision song contest is tonight. Needless to say, I am very sorry I will have to miss it. Alas, I will be eating tapas and drinking sangria on some sidewalk cafe in Madrid this evening. Times are tough. Very tough indeed.

Lots of photos and interesting Spanish tales come Tuesday!

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