Saturday, February 17, 2007

Kelly & MA!

Kelly and MA came into town yesterday. It was a very exciting moment. Needless to say. They arrived in the late afternoon, so there was not much showing around of town. We went to a few pubs of varying authenticity and I had them eating potato wedges with the little wooden quasi-fork. Here is Kelly's take on things:

I haven't met any of Margo's "friends" yet. They might just be a figment of her imagination. Well, either way I'm excited to see some container ships today and some large industrial buildings. That's the way Southampton flows. I'm currently drinking out of a large England Stabucks mug, I think I just might be a native!

That's all I'm going to let Kelly write for today. I will indeed show her some containers and other industrial buildings today as I show her around town. I will also show her old English things and those stores on every single high street in the country. And my friends do exist. They just won't meet them until Sunday.

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