Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This used to be a sidewalk

So I was on the bus yesterday staring blankly out the window and was somewhat confused. A few of you have been there so you may know vaguely of where I speak, but there is a building on the north edge of campus where all the banks have mini outlets. There is a paved walkway that runs in front of these outlets about ten feet away from the road. Right next to the road there is a six-foot wide area covered with these little pyramid-shaped tile things that are horribly uncomfortable to walk on. Basically, the powers that be wanted you to walk on this other pathway so much that they tore out the old sidewalk and spent extra dough on these icky bumpy things. I don't quite get this. The pathway was closed one day and you had to walk along the pyramid things. It was not ideal.

In other slightly odd news, I went and saw the new Harry Potter movie last night. As it was a Monday, it would have been a mainly empty theater if, literally, about 100 Spanish middle school kids hadn't shown up and filled up the greater portion of the good seats. So before it started there was all this loud Spanish being spoken. It was bizarre. The other non-Spaniards in the theater found it equally bizarre. How do you even arrange a trip with so many kids? The logistics must have been extremely difficult. They were a bit punky too, one girl had half her head shaved with the stubble bleached blond, the other half was past her shoulder and fluffy and bring pink. She also had two piercings on her lower lip that stuck out over an inch. She just screamed 'I like to blend'.

It's half price pizza night. This is never bad. I'm getting salad. Here is another photo for you enjoyment (thanks Mom). Oh, and I've bitten the bullet and 'sponsored' this 10k run situation. So far I am the only one. If you give them money you get a special thank you email from 'Benjamin' (Mark's bro). This amuses me.


Anonymous said...

So what happens if we sponsor them, and they head for the pub instead of the starting line on race day and miss the entire run?

Anglo Mango said...

Even if he and his bro go screaming in the opposite direction, you know his dad will still run it. Plus it's a good cause!