Friday, July 13, 2007

a quick message to say thank you

ciao all

my third blog on margo's blog site thing!

margo is putting photos of the last three weeks on picasa and im horrified at the detail quality of her camera (not very flattering!!!)

anyways i just wanted to say thank you for every ones kindness to me in the north west, i had a great time! i want to reiterate that if anyone does want to come over to the UK (not sure why?!?!) your welcome to stay at mine.

So my top five things were:

1. meeting margos family and friends (aaaaawwww)
2. july 4th fireworks and the boat ride
3. the pets (2 kittens and 3 dogs - Sir Winston by far the coolest dog ever!)
4. the natural environment - from both cities!
5. the ski lift sorry cable car no errrrr oh yeah aerial tram :-)

Go Beavers!!!

Cheers, Mark


Anonymous said...

It was nice seeing you again. Come visit again! Beer didn't make your list? Oh, and it's "Go Beavs" -- very important to some.

Buehler Recipes said...

OK, that does it. 'Portland Aerial Tram' t-shirts are going in the mail.