Thursday, August 16, 2007

Park and Ride

Today I went to Oxford. I parked, and then I rode. Basically both Chris and I (hi Chris) were in search of dissertation research information that is held only at one of Oxfords 89 libraries. So we decided to go today. My quest took my to the Centre for Oxfordshire Studies. Not as excited as it sounds. It was me and quite a few retired people there to research their family history. I, on the other hand, was learning about the park and rides and the failed guideway scheme on which my dissertation dwells.

My first attempt at finding stuff led me to the 2nd floor of this place, which I discovered 20 minutes later to just be the library, and so headed to the 3rd floor. Despite my best librarian's daughter training, I couldn't find anything. After asking the librarian, I was told that what I was looking for was a pamphlet. To get the pamphlet I had to fill out a request form and then follow the librarian over to the file cabinet for them to get it out for me. But it was good stuff. I found out some other key info in the afternoon.

Chris, on the other hand, had a heck of a time at the Bodlein Library (the main big famous one). He had to get a special card, literally take an oath, have his bag searched and go through rooms in which pens were not allowed only to be told that some of the stuff he was after would take 5 days to locate, and the quick stuff might show up by 5 pm. Later that afternoon, he went back to discover that they had pulled the wrong book and it would be tomorrow by the time they found the right stuff. Needless to say, Chris was not pleased and gained nothing from his trip. Oh, plus I got a new duvet. They were on sale at Debenhams.

That took up the day, and then we rode again, and um, un-parked. This is the bus we took.


Anonymous said...

More training!! I'll be right over...

Chris O said...

You forgot my getting shouted at in the map library and a number of glarings and being huffed and/or laughed at at various intervals by angry Oxford people.

On the bright side I did get 10% off a video game in Virgin Megastores...