Friday, August 10, 2007

The Environment

There seems to be quite a different view on the environment over here. Not just amongst individuals, but like on tv and stuff. It seems to be much more socially acceptable to do what you can to help the environment. Although for the most part I just kind of find it odd.

There is a tv commercial for this laundry detergent that is apparently concentrated so it comes in smaller bottles. Their approach is to claim that these smaller bottles mean there are less polluting trucks on the road. Of course there are loads of different sources discussing ways people can reduce their carbon footprint. On the Queen's last visit to the US they paid money to off-set the pollution from her flight across the Atlantic and back. It will be a truly bizarre day if that ever happens when Bush goes anywhere.

Marks and Spencers is a carbon-neutral company. SUVs have to pay higher parking charges in certain parts of London. Car taxes are based on the size of your engine. There is a general push for locally grown produce to reduce the number of air miles they must travel to reach the grocery store. However, there is no can deposit scheme in place. And you actually have to take your bottles to a 'bottle bank' if you want to recycle them. Which requires you to get in a car and drive across town. What's up with that?

In total, I'm not sure if all these efforts make much of a difference. I'm sure if everyone does their part there will be some sort of difference, but for now those unnaturally cheap airfares are still creating a stir on the environmental front. Apparently one weekend in Spain makes all of your other efforst obsolete. I say go anyways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think people who don't own a car & therefore take public transit (a.k.a. transport), live in compact housing in a dense city, don't buy lots of exotic stuff, and recycle can probably do a bit of travel and still be carbon neutral. The U.S. is so far behind. Some Congressman is going to introduce legislation that eliminates the mortgage tax reduction for those whose homes are over 3000 sq ft to encourage people to live in smaller homes. Good idea, but it won't fly, I'm sure. Probably dump even more people into foreclosure if it did. Bad timing. We can all drive less, though.