Friday, August 03, 2007

London house hunt part 2

So I was back in London yesterday for a day of fun, excitement and bonding with random estate agents. I'll keep this quick as it's quite a long story. So we viewed 8 properties over a 4 hour period. Some were nice but way too expensive, some were shoddy, and some were okay. By some miracle of luck, however, the 8th place we saw was the same place that we had seen the week prior and barely missed out on. Basically, it seems the deal that had been instigated the week before had fallen through and the place was still on the market. So we bounced. Yet I would say we maintained our cool relatively well. Oh, I might also add that it was actually the cheapest place we had seen all day as well.

After declaring to the estate agent we wanted the place, we were free to go our own way. Heading up to Oxford Street, there were quite a few phone calls from said estate agent. Let's call her Angela. Every time Angela called we were fearful that something had gone wrong and we weren't going to get the place. Mark even got to call some additional party and give them money over the phone. Still not really sure what happened there, but the place is off the market right now pending the application process.

We were quite excited at this point in time but at the same time quite terrified that we had made a big mistake. I'll go more into depth about this tomorrow, I think. For now I will just continue with the progress of yesterday. We went to Belgo's for dinner at 5:05, meaning we got their cheap deal food for £5.05. Plus it was tasty. And quickly devoured.

In the evening time we went to see Wicked, over by Victoria train station. The audience, to my surprise, was only about 90% American. There seemed to be a few Europeans as well, but they were difficult to spot. As for the show, I thought it was very good. The singing was excellent (I would have gone hoarse, they must do voice exercises), and I personally found the costumes enjoyable. It made me want a really fluffy skirt. If it passes through, I recommend going to see it. Plus one of the main characters is green. You don't get that often outside of Muppet situations. The downside of going to this play was that it meant coming back to Southampton on the 11:39 train, which slowly rolled into Southampton at 1:14 am. Not ideal for anyone. So a very long day, but an exciting one that will hopefully/should result in my having found a place to live!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The part of the green person (Elphaba) was played on Broadway by an actress from Beaverton with the unlikely but actual name of Shoshana Bean. She was also in Hairspray on Broadway. Shoshana played Elphaba in the touring version, too, which came through P-town last year. She got tired of being green, though.

I hope you get that flat/apartment for sure! Sounds wonderful.