Thursday, December 27, 2007


So I'm back in the US now. After the initial shock of the amount of water in the toilet bowl at the airport, it's been a smooth transition back into American society. Oh, plus there was a tiny moment of fear today as I thought my mom was pulling into the wrong lane of traffic.

Yesterday was Christmas. In contrast to last year, there was heat and other people around. Let's call this an 'upgrade'. Due to the time change times, I was first up at 4am, thinking it was 5am due to the inaccurate guest room clock, then decided to go back to sleep for a few hours. So I was up bright and early for presents. Which is always exciting. Wooo. Then we had some lovely cinnamon pullapart, eggs and bacon for breakfast.

Sometime in the mid-day time range it started to snow. This was again very exciting. And just in time to make guest arrival a bit more interesting! Everyone made it okay. Then I made approximately 28 cocktails for folks and then ate some brie. A while later there was dinner, then I took a nap, then there were more presents and dessert. Then more sleeping!

Oh, and then there are the alleged 'kittens'. Edgar, I'm pretty sure, is the world's largest cat. But he's also the world's softest cat and is pretty but slow. Lizzie is not as big, but is still evil and the size of a regular cat. And pretty. I have taken many photographs of both the Christmas events and the giant cats. They can be found on Picasa. As can photos of my dinner at harlem a few weeks ago!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lizzie is not evil!! Lively, perhaps, and a little flirtly, but definitely not evil!!! Evil cats deliberately use one's slipper or shoe for their litter box, and Lizzie has never done that. She's actually quite loving--on her terms. If she really likes you, she will knead you until you are bleeding. But it's only because she likes you, and you should consider it a gift.

We are enjoying Margo's visit immensely, even though she has a cold.