Sunday, April 01, 2007

Additional high tech stuff

So I went to the gym yesterday and used the treadmill. I assure you, this was one complex treadmill. The interface on it was bigger than this laptop. Huge. Took me forever to get it set up. But the coolest (literally) part was that there were built in fans!! So the entire time I was running I had a nice cool breeze blowing in my face. Made the whole process much more enjoyable, I assure you. I'm sure these things exist in the US (as it was an American machine), but I have yet to come across them. The only thing that sounds better are those machines with built-in televisions. Are there machines with fans and tvs? That would almost be too much.

Aside from that, I tried a muller rice yogurt yesterday. It's really just rice pudding with fruit. It was unnaturally delicious so I have made the decision that I shall live off of them for the foreseeable future. Only I don't have any more, so it will be a few days until this takes hold.

Off to London to meet back up with the family for a couple days. I'm going to Portabello Road if it kills me!

1 comment:

Buehler Recipes said...

Our gym has the treadmills with the TV's, the ellipticals and bikes have TV's too. They must have taken some sort of survey and decided we prefer TV's over the more realistic running experiance fans would offer.