Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Marks and Spencer

I made a venture into town today. On the way there I was called dear by an old man and helped an old lady cross the street. I'm sorry, but I am way popular with the old folks around town (and just to make things clear, by old people I would ballpark the general age to be around 70). Yesterday a random bus driver even gave me a friendly wave.

So I made the 3-mile trek to the mall, West Quay, which, to use a local phrase is 'quite lovely'. It's got an H&M and some other interesting shopping stores as well that I fulled intend to peruse. There is also a peds only street out front and some parks nearby. So I was starving after the walk so I got a panini that was what we would call $7 that had approximately 1 piece of ham on it, but it was not bad so I won't dwindle on that. Now, being the bright postgraduate student that I am, I made the bright decision to go to Marks and Spencer for a duvet and pillows right after eating so I could be lugging about heavy bags in both hands from there on out. This duvet business is slightly more complex than I thought, but I did manage to get one involving some sort involving duck feathers (and the box was orange, apparently they are not familiar with the state schools in Oregon), and some pillows that were unnaturally condensed, and a duvet cover (red, I wanted some color in here). On my way to find the bus stop I saw a Topshop (slash 'Topman') that I fully intend to go tomorrow afternoon.

Oh!! And I saw two things that I never thought I would see in England today, within about five minutes of each other, at above mentioned mall. The first was a mullet, a long red one pulled back in a pony. The second thing was a femullet. Apparently the English do not know better than us. That is all the proof I need.

And finally, you will all be relieved to know that I have finally purchased some TP. After my trip downtown I had to run back to campus and found the student union store, which remarkably carried some. I also got a yogurt there and then quickly realized I didn't have a spoon. I had to use a granola bar.


Anonymous said...

Your next task is to have a full English breakfast, complete with black pudding. And some brown sauce.

Anglo Mango said...

I saw some sign outside of what claims to be a post office saying '65% of students prefer their chips with red sauce'. I'm still trying to figure out brown sauce and now they are tossing in red sauce. But something tells me it's ketchup.

Anonymous said...

brown sauce - an english form of bbq sauce. although, do they bbq?

Anglo Mango said...

I think nothing would go well if the English tried to do BBQ. There's too much flavoring involved, and I don't think that's their strong point.

Anonymous said...

You're quite resourceful to think of using the granola bar as a spoon. I'm glad to hear things seem to be going well...especially glad that you finally got some TP...that was a disaster waiting for a place to happen....