Monday, September 25, 2006


I have officially arrived. Not in that fancy 'look at me, I'm on the Billboard Top 10' sort of way, but in the actual, literal sense of the word. So to sum things up, I'm in Southampton.

Quite frankly, I had anticipated to dislike it more here. At this point I'm excited despite not knowing a single person. The parts of town which I've actually seen, which tantamounts to a couple of residential streets and a small snippit of campus, are all cute and English. The bus ride from Heathrow involved some typical rolling English countryside. And everyone who is English (there is a fair number of foreigners I've noted so far, mainly of the Asian persuasion) has an English accent. It makes me giggle a little when I hear it. Chances are that won't last long. And keep in mind this general sense of optimism is in spite of making the bus driver mad by accidently having him put my luggage in the wrong area and making the front desk lady mad for not having money for this week's early housing despite not knowing about it (who doesn't take visa, really?).

I'm not sure how I feel about the digs at this point. I can't say I'm totally impressed, but I suppose it's got it's one Euro-ness to it. There's no TP, which for some reason surprised me, but I guess it would also be weird if there was TP. And on my little walk I didn't see any stores, so I am still without TP. Here is a picture of the outside of the building. I am in the sunbathed area, on what they claim is the 'first' floor but it is indeed the second floor, on the right (above sidewalk, not cars). I'll make some effort to unpack before including any interior shots.

Overhead declarations involving the word 'brilliant': at least 20


Anonymous said...

BRILLIANT! I'm glad you made it okay, and hopefully you find TP soon. Keep us posted! Not only will it keep me up to speed on your English excursion, but it will provide excellent breaks from work :-)

Anglo Mango said...

Luckily with the time difference most updates will most likely go up either while you are sleeping or while you are at work. I aim to distract.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Hillary took the only british exclamation I know, so I had to use the old standby. Foiled! Anywho, your abode looks lovely and quite liveable. Who needs TP anyway? Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

When you are decorating your room, please keep my sleeping space in mind. I will be bringing a queen size blow up mattress and a feather duvet with matching pillows and linens. I require a bedside wash basin and a hot breakfast promptly at 7 a.m. I want your things cleared the minute I arrive.

Thank you.

Kelly L. Goodenough

Anonymous said...

I love the blog! The digs look a little plain, but aren't English plain anyway? Maybe that was just the pilgrims. I can't wait to hear what kind of clothing boutiques are around, and what Enlish guys look and act like :) How is the weather?

Anonymous said...

um.... so i hope the pillow situation panned out. that's all i got, i just can't compete with kelly.

Anonymous said...

The TP! Have you found some TP? Should I launch some over the pond? Did you have bangers, mash and peas for dinner, or did you find a yummy baguette with coronation chicken? Met any other 'mericuns yet?