Friday, September 29, 2006

English Sandwiches

If you're anything like me, that title just gets your taste buds watering. And if that is indeed the case, boy are you about to be jealous, because today I was given free access to tray after tray of several varieties of these fine European delicacies. They are all cut up into triangle-shaped quarters, giving tiny little previews of what they held in store for you. Being the low-brow American that I am, I had not a clue what any of them were. To begin, I got two quarter sandwiches. One was egg, the other was egg-and-something-undetermined. The egg-and-mystery really wasn't too bad. Kind of wonder what else it contained. Emboldened by my not dying from the first two, I went back for a third quarter. This one appearred to be chicken with red stuff and lettuce on funky bread. It would have been better had it been on non-funky bread, but you win some, you lose some. All in all, it was not entirely impressive. But in the same situation in the US, it would have been the same bread with a slice of ham and a slice of cheddar, which isn't that great either.

For a brief "history lesson" about the local area (I went to a virtual tour of the city this afternoon, only it didn't tell you where much was), the Roman's starting living nearby around 83 BC, and then the Saxon's came to where the city is now sometime after that, and then the Norman's came and lived with them around 1100 and they are the ones that built that lovely wall with the Bargate. Oh, and there is a place called 'leisureworld' which has some nightclubs and a movie theater. Plus you get to tell people you're going to 'leisureworld', which alone makes it worth going.

Two random things I learned today:
1. The English pronounce Renassiance, renA-sense.
2. They use the phrase 'suck it up' in Trinidad and Tobago.

I'm heading in to London tomorrow for the first of many day trips! Woo-hoo!


Anonymous said...

Chicken with red stuff!! That may have been a coronation chicken sandwich--one of those English food items that I thought was great (along with all that fresh fish). Was the chicken chopped? Did it have a mild curry flavor? I'm glad you found free food. Did you stuff some in your purse for later, or have you forgotten all of those important life lessons that I tried so hard to teach? (The lesson is: always carry baggies in your purse/backpack so the free food that you gather that would just go to waste if you didn't doesn't get your purse/backpack messy.)

Anglo Mango said...

It was quite possibly coronoation chicken. And the food wasn't quite stuff-purse-worthy in my mind.