Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Giant Umbrellas

Yes, that's right, another blog about a newly acquired pet peeve!

Now that the weather has turned for the worse, bringing with it plenty of rain, people have been using their umbrellas a lot more frequently. Most people simply use your regular single person umbrella, most often in black, that folds up nicely when not in use. However, some people insist on using giant golf umbrellas capable of harboring the entire Brady Bunch. This is bad for two reasons!

Reason 1: They hog the sidewalk.
In my neighborhood in particular, the sidewalks are not particularly wide and there are lots of sign posts, lamp posts and trees making the sidewalks just a little bit narrower. When everyone is carrying regular sized umbrellas it can be difficult to pass, when someone has an umbrella twice as big as everyone else's, it's near impossible. Around Notting Hill sidewalks get quite busy during lunch times, and then it's even more noticeable when people take up more space with their umbrellas out, and let's just say chaos would ensue if everyone had the giant breed.

The general carrier of the giant umbrella tends to be male. The easiest explanation for this is that women tend to carry umbrellas that fit into their purses when not in use, but men are less likely to have bags, thus increasing the likelihood that they would carry something larger. And the carriers of these umbrellas also tend to be males tending towards the 'dandy' side of things - think pin-striped suits and slightly longer hair with a bit of a wave, carefully gelled in place who perhaps see their umbrella as an important fashion accessory and therefore think bigger ones must be better. With this particular breed comes that self-important strut. People with self-important struts do not tend to get out of the way of others when walking down the sidewalk, instead others must get out of their way, which is even more annoying when they are ten times their normal dandy size thanks to their ego-sized umbrellas.

Reason 2: They are dangerous weapons
As if things weren't bad enough when people chose to unleash their giant umbrellas in the face of a downpour, things seem to me to be even more treacherous when no rain is involved. You see, instead of carrying their giant umbrellas by the carefully provided curved wooden handle, perhaps for fear of looking as if they are walking with a cane, people seem to prefer to hold on to the middle of their giant umbrella so it rests in the horizontal position. This is how many people carry their umbrellas, but then their umbrellas aren't over two feet long with an elongated, sharpened metal point at one end, swinging slightly from side to side with each self-important saunter. The possibility of impalement leaps even higher at the tube station, while people show some rational thought in placing the impaling tip on the floor while inside the train, they are still quite likely to hold it horizontally on the platform, then constantly twisting about to check how long until the next train and to perhaps have a chat with their friends. It's beyond me how people don't end up pushed onto the tracks by one of these flailing instruments of destruction, or at least just with one impaled into their thigh. Quite frankly I want some news-worthy umbrella incident to occur as to bring to light the dangers of these umbrellas.

I say unless you are indeed the Brady Brunch traveling down the sidewalk in a happy little cluster, there is absolutely no reason for people to use these obscenely sized umbrellas. Their use by individuals, in my mind, is like people using the carpool lane when by themselves but just figure it's their right to use them as their time is more important than others and they have somewhere else to be. And you know, their windows are all blacked out so you can't see what's going on inside anyways.

Okay, I'm done ranting now.


Aaron said...

I think there is no reason for ANY umbrella. Just buy a raincoat! And, if you do get wet, you won't melt!

Anonymous said...

I've started using a new tactic when it looks as if I'm going to get run off the sidewalk by the self-important. I stop walking and pretend to get something out of my purse. Usually the person coming towards me will go around me instead of running right into me.

One of my pet sideWALK peeves is bike riders weaving in and out and tinkling that stupid little bell as a signal for you to get out of their way. Not on a sideWALK! I won't budge.

I don't think I'm much of a city person...

Anonymous said...

I don't use an umbrella for the simple reason that 9 times out of 10 it is far too windy, particularly in the higher built part of London where the wind tends to funnel.

My particular bug is people's aversion to rain. As Aaron says, if you do get wet you won't melt. You wouln't know that watching Oxford St (**insert other populated outdoor venue here) when it starts to rain. The squealing and scuttling of people trying to get out of the rain is hysterical. They run about like if the rain falls on them they might die or something. On the bright side it does mean a clear path on sidewalks you usually have to shuffle on. Unfortunately it does provoke the annoying trait of people stating the glaringly obvious (which Bill Bryson leads me to believe is a uniquely british trait): "Oooh, is it raining?" they say when you are very clearly wet. It seems a novelty that clothes (and people too) actually dry themselves if inside for a while...

mark said...

for me my biggest concern is that when up the average umbrella is at my eye level and this causes me added ducking issues! almost as annoying as when mainly women swing there bags about on the tube i have taken one to many hits in the nads!

although why people insist on using golf umbrellas which are designed for a caddie and the player on the streets around my work i dont understand!

personally my umbrella was free from topshop when they made a mistake at the till and i didnt realise until i was outside....

Anglo Mango said...

This is going to sound vain and I fully expect to be judged, but I must admit I opt to carry an umbrella most of the time not because of my own needs, but because I want to keep my purse dry...