Friday, November 16, 2007

BodyStep, BodyPump, BodyAttack!

I made my second trip to the new gym on Wednesday. Feeling brave, but not too brave, I managed to convince myself to try out a class. It was a step class, so I just had to follow the unspoken lead of the few people that got there before me and go in and grab a step and assemble it in an empty area of floor. Luckily I was able to do this. There were about 15 people in the class - all females. The class was 45 minutes long and involved a warm-up, some kind of hard stuff, and then a sort of cool-down stretching period at the end. Overall, probably looked like a bit of an idiot but I enjoyed it and will probably go back.

Yesterday I went to the gym after work again (if you can't convince yourself to go a lot the first week you join, you'll probably never go). The class at the same time was called BodyPump. It again involved the step, but also incorporated weights. I poked my head in to see if I would be brave enough to endeavor, but the set-up looked way too complex. Everyone had a step, a mat, a bar with weights at the ends, and extra weights on hand. How on earth was I supposed to know what sort of weights to collect? Is it supposed to be light and based on repetition or heavy and strenuous? What were the extra weights for? Needless to say, I fled back to the sanctuary of the elliptical trainer.

In this class starting with the word body trend, there is also BodyAttack and BodyCombat. The combat one just incorporates some martial arts moves and sounds like it could be fun. BodyAttack sounds like it will kill you by apparently testing your endurance no matter what your fitness level is. I take that to be a bad thing and will avoid it for the forseeable future. On Monday evening I may try 'cycling' as it sounds way less scary than 'RPM', although both involve using a bike in the dark with strobe lights and someone yelling at you.


Buehler Recipes said...

Sounds like you could be at my gym. Guess the class names are international. The thing I don't like about body pump is they have you throwing weights around way to fast leaving much opportunity to use bad form and hurt yourself. Try it though, just grab really light weights the first time then move up.
I went into a 'spin' class once. The instructor looked at me like she was quickly reviewing her last CPR class. She was right, I left 15 minutes early.

Anonymous said...

It's gotta feel good, be fun, and be good for your body (rather than destroy it) or what's the point?

Any dance aerobic stuff? That's my favorite.