Tuesday, March 20, 2007


After much adieu, I finally made it over Brighton today. Whilst I have technically been there before, I find things are always much more exciting when given the tour by an insider. So, despite the bitter, bitter, bitter cold, today was designated the day.

The day consisted of walking around town, seeing the cute little lanes with all their cute little non-chain stores, some chain stores on non-cute little lanes, walking up and down the pier, playing a couple video games, getting some food, getting a vast quantity of candy and then hiding it in shame from half the group, jumping around outside the Brighton Pavilion (and everywhere else around town that afforded a spare moment), going to the free Brighton museum, and then getting more food. Oh, and I think it might have started to snow on the way back to the car. Or it may have been hail (the weather the last few days has been three steps past bizarre). But in general Brighton was good fun, although I will admit it could have been warmer.

There are a lot of good photos up on picasa now (accessible via the handy link). Let's just say that the kids & pets setting on the new camera is quite good at capturing moments in mid-air. There are also a couple of pics for Horatio on there, as well as any pastry-chefs in the house.

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