Friday, February 06, 2009

Billy Elliot

Lat night Margo got us tickets to see Billy Elliot at the Victoria Palace Theatre at Victoria (for those that know the geography of London!).

Now the last couple of shows i've been to in the West End havn't in my opinion been that good! Especially seeing as they have just had a record breaking year in terms of profits/people numbers!

Now Billy Elliot has put my faith back into the system! The show was excellent and provoked all of the emotions! It including ballet dancing, tap dancing and what i'd term as modern free dance! The boy playing Billy was all action and was clearly loving every minute of it!

I guess the best thing about living and working in London is the fact that you can go to these things...jump on the tube and be home in under 30 minutes. When we saw Wicked when we lived in Southampton we had to walk through a deserted town centre at 2am after the journey home on the slow train!

Anyways i'm sure Margo will add more but if anybody is in town i'd highly recommend...likewise i think its recently opened in New York - though i'm not certain?


Anglo Mango said...

It was an excellent show! Not only was the boy who played Billy absolutely amazing, but the whole plot was very riveting and all the storylines worked together well, even in stage form (it seems this is difficult to handle when turning a movie into a live show)!

The show is supposed to take place in County Durham and I've read that they took extra care so that they only cast Billy's from the north so they would have the 'right' accent. I can't help but wonder what sort of accents the cast in the New York show have?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the New York show was Americanized and Billy is from New Jersey?