Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Sports Update

Many things have been going on as of late in the sporting world. Nothing fabulous enough to warrant its own entry, but enough to get a collective one.

1. Euro 2008 - Spain beat Germany on Sunday night in the final to be crowned champions. The general consensus is not so much that people are pleased that Spain has won, but that Germany has lost. They apparently get away with doing well in these things despite not being good.

2. Wimbledon - Andy Murray, who is Scottish, aka 'British' for support purposes, has magically made it into the quarterfinals. He literally came back from the edge in his last game, which has been much discussed around town. People are most definitely pulling for him. I would of course likewise be cheering for an American man in the quarterfinals, but alas, there are none. But thank goodness for those Williams sisters! I'm just not sure who I like better! Let's go with Venus - she's a 1981-er like myself.

3. Pilates - This is just a personal one, really. I had a substitute pilates teacher today, who started out by explaining that she taught American style pilates instead of English style pilates. I hadn't known there was a difference, so found this news quite exciting. We did rolling like a ball. It was the first time I'd done it in a class. Most of the class struggled and I was, well, rolling like a ball. I felt like I had a grasp of what I was doing. It was fab.

4. Cricket - People are playing test cricket. That's boring so I sort of drift into space when it's being discussed. I think New Zealand might be involved...

5. Running - Mark has volunteered to be part of the SDG team in some Morgan Chase 3.5 mile run next week. He has a white SDG tank. Let's wish him luck. I think we should come up with some inspirational songs for a playlist on his pod. I shall start with anything and everything from the Rocky films and go from there.


Buehler Recipes said...

"Trying hard now Getting strong now won't be long now getting strong now Gonna fly now flying high now gonna fly, fly, fly"
over...and over...and over..
Won't that just make him crazy rather than inspired?
Good luck Mark!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not much into sports, but I do pilates. It seems that "rolling like a ball" makes some people fart - in class. That amuses me. Do proper English ladies fart while rolling like a ball?

Music for Mark -- the music from Chariots of Fire is a must! And perhaps Born to Run, Jump Jive & Wail, Vertigo, Run Away. Hmmm, maybe I'm showing a little age here.

Anonymous said...

FYI, the Germans in the office were not amused by your comments. One said that's the way they feel about the Italians.

mark said...

spain played the best football and won which doesnt happen that often as too many teams put all their players behind the ball and only attack with set plays (aka England over the last 10 years with Beckham!)Italy are always so boring to watch even though they have quality players. Germany always win even though they have a horrible team! I think its all mental...