Wednesday, July 16, 2008

adding a little something....

As Margo has ventured north this afternoon for work and won't get home till later tonight I thought I’d write today’s blog entry!

This has something to do with a change I have noticed with Margo over the last 10 months since we started working after our masters. The topic is water or more exactly flavoured water!

Now when Margo and I first moved to London I can remember her questioning this substance that we put into our water to add taste. It’s often called cordial - I am not sure on its consumption in the States but here its very common. The two main kinds are Ribena (blackcurrant - about 93% of the blackcurrants grown in the UK are for ribena) and Robinsons (comes in a variety of flavours such as apple and blackcurrant, orange, summer fruits etc) there are also other kinds like supermarket own branded versions and Kia etc.

This substance is available at Margo’s work and I guess after 10 months she decided to give it a go - you put 9 parts water to 1 part cordial to make what I would term squash (not the sport). She for about a week after that sent me daily emails on how good it was and even complained when they had run out! Probably because of the increased demand!!!

Now this I only found this interesting because when she first moved over here she was very anti squash but now she even buys it for her pleasure at home!

I do like it though as it changes what is in essence a very boring drink but nevertheless it is a very important drink.


Anonymous said...

I'm not familiar with the stuff, but it sure sounds yummy! If it gets people to drink their water without adding a bunch of calories or caffeine or rotting their teeth, it's a good thing, I'm sure!

mark said...

ribena isnt very good for the teeth! like its actually very bad...its made by gsk the pharmaceutical company – so under pressure from mothers they brought out a light version (diet) and a tooth kind version – both don’t taste as good but I guess its like skimmed milk whe you first taste it its is bad but after a week you cant go back to semi skimmed!

Robinsons is more diluted (you need more) than ribena so is probably better for you than per the same quality. But I guess at the end of the day its concentrated fruit which has to be better for you than the fizzy drinks kids would want as a replacement!