Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Paris - Part 3

Our third day in Paris was a warm, sunny Saturday. We transitioned as a unit from the apartment up to see Sacre Coeur, where we were greeted again by masses of tourists. Taking pictures out front wasn't bad, but we then decided to take a spin inside. Much like at Notre Dame, we managed to be inside right as a service was going to start. This basically meant we hit a dead end, and as people kept coming inside, there wasn't really any way to get back out again. We had to shuffle for what seemed like 20 minutes before we were able to get back out again. If you want to visit the place, I recommend maybe sticking your head in and then clearing well away. Like, really far away. Which I guess is what we eventually did, walking down to get a glimpse of the Moulin Rouge and the red light district (how is there enough demand to keep all those shops in business??).

After yet again walking miles without coming to an eating establishment and then finding ourselves faced with about 10, we had lunch at a cafe in the shade before splitting up into groups by gender. The men went off to pursue traditionally manly things, such as walk through sewers. Us lady types attempted to go off and look at pretty clothes. Alas, our plans came to a sudden standstill when we learned that the pretty clothes museum (note: not actual name) was indeed closed. So instead we had diet cokes, went to a book store, listened to street musicians and I got myself a Paris Starbucks mug for the collection. We then met up with the fresh from the poo males before disbanding into separate age groups. The mature group hit the Musee l'Orangerie whilst we youngsters sat on some grass and then headed back to the local hood in hot pursuit of some chilled alcoholic beverages. Later a pleasant and attractive couple of similar age to ourselves came and sat next to us, and they can be seen in the photo above.

For the evening meal, we took advantage of the having of the apartment and ate in. Having enjoyed the concept in my previous French travels, we had a range of cured meats and cheeses with bread for dinner, as well as some wine. This was followed by enjoying hours of a satellite French MTV channel that fluctuated between the hits from 1979 and songs sung by whispery French types. It's oddly entertaining. I recommend.


Anonymous said...

"Pleasant and attractive couple" -- I'm on cloud 9! But really, that man looks a little spastic...

Anonymous said...

That's actually one of my better pictures. Can I get a print?