Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Back from the US...

So after months of anticipation, I have returned from a nearly two week voyage to Paris and Seattle, what I shall term 'the combo of champions'. If anyone else goes on a trip encompassing these two cities I shall send them a prize. Unless you live in Seattle, then it's like cheating.

Anyways, as I like to think I have too many observations to record in a single blog entry, I'm going to have to split things up a bit into more manageable chunks. Plus this will then give me things to write about for the rest of the week. In lieu of being logical and writing of things in chronological order, I'm going to flip that around and start at the other end: my return to London.

For some reason all of the flights I've had to the UK from the US have gotten me into London in the 7am to 10am window, giving me an entire day to walk around with a sleepy glazed over look of which I was never a fan. Why is it that these flights essentially last over the night-time period of your destination when you are most likely acclimated time-wise to your origin? How are people supposed to settle in for the night when they are packed into an airplane and it's 3pm? It's baffling really. So, let me just say that I highly recommend my 9pm departure flight from Seattle on Sunday night, which kindly took place over the night-time period of my origin, landing in London in the early afternoon. After having gotten some decent sleep (actually being tired sure helped) on the plane and suckling on diet coke for the rest of the afternoon, I didn't go to bed until after 10pm. Plus I like to think my glazed look was at a minimum.

Some interesting things happened while I was gone. My apartment has been letted to the next tennants (which is good because that means I won't have people coming by to look at it!), the girl who sits next to me at work quit to become a writer (good luck with that), and summer came and is seemingly on it's way out again. The UK has the only nice weather all year and I miss it. What are the chances? But luckily it's still nice and sunny and I've even worn a summer dress to work today with no nylons. I keep feeling like I've forgotten something!


Anonymous said...

Yippee! Blog is back!

We'll try your tip for scheduling our flights next time, if the frequent flyer people will let us. They are generally mean.

So, the important stuff--when do you have to move out? Any luck finding a new place yet?

Lisa Katzke said...

It's going to be 100 in the bay area this week.

You're not kidding that summer arrived. It was 65 last week. What?